Beyond User Interface Design: a tip for Mary Beth
Posted by Theo Heselmans on November 18th, 2009
Yesterday I was invited at a Lotus BP event. Laurent Boes, Manager of Lotus Software for Belux gave a short overview of the current Lotus situation, and proceeded by introducing someone from a company called Netway.
During the brief presentation I was intrigued enough, to have a chat with the CEO of that company: Marc Van Rymenant.
So what do these guys do:
(my words, read their sales pitch on their site)
They apply behaviour science to analyze the way a user looks at a UI (a web page mostly). Not just looks with the eyes, but with the (subconscious) mind too. This results in practical guidelines to restyle/overhaul a company's website.
Every designer should (have) read 'Don't make me Think' by Steve Krug.
Netway goes beyond this, and proofs what works and what doesn't.
Marc told me about his personal blog: Simplifying Interfaces. A great read, with many practical examples and guidelines (start from the end, as some blogs are sequential).
So Mary Beths of this world: check them out, you might be in for a surprise !
Notes 10 might blow (y)our socks off !
Category: User Interface | Technorati: User Interface
Comments (3)
Great stuff - thanks for this Theo. One book ordered :)
Theo, thanks so much for this pointer. Possibly the best stuff I've read on UX principles in over a decade. Absolutely priceless.
I owe you a beer at Lotusphere.
Thanks for the pointer! I am going to share with the team.