As everyone is sharing their working 'habitat', here's mine:
and Yes, it's usually this tidy!

Image:My Home Office
And this is what's behind my back:

Image:My Home Office
  • 1. Wine-events coming up
  • 2. Some holiday pictures
  • 3. My beloved 15 year old Aeron chair
  • 4. The workhorse MacBook Pro
    (running Vista most of the time!)
    and next to it my iPhone
  • 5. My wife's PC,
    and my game PC
  • 6. A laser-printer
    and a HP multi-functional
  • 7. Steps to reach the top shelves !
  • 8. Some tech books
  • 9. My mini museum:
    a Mac SE/30 (working !),
    some Newtons,
    some masks
  • 10. Part of my SF/Fantasy
    book collection

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