Image:Pull your head out of the sand!Did you ever pull your head out of the sand and looked at the world around you? Of course you did.
But you, as a Notes developer, did you ever look at the world outside of your precious, 'I-can-do-anything' development environment? Maybe not!
Same here. For the past 20 odd years, I happily wrapped myself in my comfort zone.

Then a new web project presented itself and I needed something Notes/Domino could not provide. So I googled around, and boy, was I in for a surprise!
I discovered a plethora of libraries, frameworks, tools I never dreamed possible. Many of them less then 5 years old! Toddlers, but with so much promise.
Could I use them within my own environment? Sure I could.
I found most of them were not that hard to implement.
I was lucky enough to have a few mobile projects that would benefit from Bootstrap. Another one needed field mapping, so I fooled around with Backbone, to end up with Knockout, because it suited the project better.
I fell flat on my face with App.js and Ratchet for another client app, but found a solution in the end.

I thrive on learning new things, so sharing my experience to spread my excitement came naturally.

So I submitted an abstract for a session at ConnectED (aka Connect, aka Lotusphere). The new track 'Beyond the Everyday' seemed like a nice fit.
I dreaded and hoped my session got approved.
After many nerve-racking months, I finally got a 'Your IBM ConnectED 2015 Session Submission Has Been Accepted' email. I was over the moon, and fearful at the same time.
So here we are. One month later, and 2 weeks before the presentation submission deadline.
Things are shaping up, presentation halfway done. A brand new Notes database coming along just fine. The fear is gone, replaced by a healthy anxiety.

Bear with me when I take the stage in the Swan hotel with shaking knees. My first ever real presentation, at my 20th Lotusphere (I did a few BOFs in the past).
It's not going to be a deep dive, nor very technical. Many of you will probably be disappointed, as what I'm showing is not rocket science, but practical solutions to business needs.
My only aim is to pull your head out of the sand, and get you excited again. There's a big world out there, and it fits in your pocket!

Hope to see you in about a month in Orlando. Register here.

Here's the title of the session and the abstract:
BTE101: Yes! You CAN Use Those Cool New Frameworks in Your Mobile Domino Apps!

Did you know there is an abundance of cool CSS and JS frameworks out there? Have you ever wanted to find out how you can use them in your own (mobile) Domino apps? We'll show real world applications from our customers using some of these powerful frameworks inside Domino. Explore with us on how they integrated Bootstrap, Ratchet.js, Knockout.js, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, jQuery.js, Zepto.js and more! You'll walk away from this session excited, and full of ideas you can start to implement as soon as you get home. Let's show the world how innovative, flexible and on-the-edge Domino development still is!

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